writer | print, television & podcast | web design

Love, Taj


Monkey See



The Tale is in the Telling

[su_box title=”The Tale is in the Telling” style=”bubbles” box_color=”#f4f2e5″ title_color=”#d9ce9e” radius=”14″ class=”bubble”]Story teller: writer, producer & designer in print, video & online. I have a degree in writing & another in digital art; my work has appeared in major magazines, newspapers & network television as well as on various websites. Do you have story I can help give wings?[/su_box]
“Lydia is one of those rare writers blessed with the ability to listen, and to learn: To hear what her subjects are saying and present it in a style that is at once true to the source, and yet uniquely her own.”
Phil Lerman

Author, Daditude

“Beginning with a strong foundation in cross-cultural communication, Lydia takes a 360 degree approach to life, mixes it with a great deal of curiosity, all combining to exert a fresh and zestful perspective that connects the dots.”
Laura Gongos

Former GM, Burson-Marsteller Pittsburgh


Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

Company Role

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

Company Role

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

Company Role

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

Company Role

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

Company Role

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

Company Role